Gods Protection (part2)

Gods Protection
Trust  - Psalm 56 Part 2 of 7

 V3&4 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭56:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It says When I am afraid. Not If but when I'm afraid. Why? Because the absolute truth is that there are times when we are afraid. God knows that. Part of His protection is knowing us better than anyone else can. So He can comfort and protect.

Our role - When we are afraid “I will trust in you “ Now we should trust him even when fear is not a factor but the point is to run toward God when we fear, not away from God. So many times my tendency is to try an act first and call on God second. Not a good formula.

 “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust...” God’s word, the bible is our anchor. We trust God, we trust His word. We trust God's word, we trust Him. This leads us to praise. And praise leads us to Him. “I will not fear” Now, wait a minute.

V3 says “when I'm afraid” Hmmm. Let's look closely at the whole Psalm. There is a battle all around David. Enemies everywhere. Opposition at every corner. Sound familiar to anyone . Ok , When I'm afraid.... I will trust in You....It's a process, a journey . Life gives lots of opportunities to fear and subsequently opportunities to trust Him.

I will praise Him in His word. The word requires digesting over a lifetime . It's a process, a journey. It leads us to trust Him. So then, I'm learning every day in the battle to trust God more and fearless. He is there always. We are learning and striving to grow closer to Him. We are “trusting “ more and “fearing”  less.

So then, one more thing  “What can man do to me?”

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